
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update May 27, 2024



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Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

I wonder how JFK, Jr feels about stringing along tens of millions of people for months on end “Big, big, big event, soon, soon, soon.” Of course, he never seemed interested in “regular” people even before his plane crashed. This is one of the reasons I question him as a VP pick. Being JFK’s son, a famous person, and Trump’s friend are not qualifications for the office.

We may not be FORCED to pay taxes (i.e. at gunpoint), but the criminals COERCE us into paying with the threat of financial ruin. So paying federal taxes is “strictly voluntary” only if one relishes living “strictly in a car/under a bridge.” So we have to hand over money that we need, so it can be given to illegal alien ENEMIES OF AMERICA. Everyone involved in such coercion should be arrested for treason and tried by tribunal. They’d better hope that God has mercy on their souls, because no one else will.

So what happens if the Vatican, the Crown and Israel are all “gone” but the Alliance is paying actors to pretend they aren’t gone? How much money is it costing to pay tens of thousands of actors all over the world, full time? Shouldn’t that money be spent on rolling out med beds to save decent people who won’t make it much longer without them, rather than using it to play hide-and-seek with non-existent evil monsters?

Last edited 3 months ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

If we’ve changed to gold-backed currency (in SECRET, of course), then the dollars we are currently using are now gold-backed, and there is no need for the so-called “rainbow” USTNs (which are also SECRET).

World wide martial law, also SECRET. I’ve never heard of non-discernable martial law occurring anywhere on Earth before. In the past, military equipment and troops were out there for all to see. That’s how people knew that they were under martial law. How do people even know what rules to follow under martial law, if they don’t even know they are under martial law? This sounds like the plot of a Peter Sellers comedy. Will we be seeing fake dentists who are (secretly) military officers?

Americans murdered by Deep State lethal Injections, American children kidnapped and killed in satanic rituals, and Americans who have lost everything, should collectively be enough of a Scare Event, don’t you agree? What event is the Alliance going to allow now that will top all of that – reptilian ETs rampaging through our cities, killing every living thing, like War of the Worlds?

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

The “public movie” is another “fool the People” ploy. How is it different from the DS lying to us for hundreds of years, except that this time it is supposedly for “our own good”? I see that question being asked more and more often. People are losing trust in the Alliance. Just FYI, Alliance.

I hope that people will not be the only protected beings in the removal/destruction of the Three Gorges Dam. There are likely also millions of innocent animals downstream from that dam. Can we afford to kill wildlife millions at a time, when the 1.5 billion Chinese already kill the animals at a shocking rate, and after all the wildlife that has been killed already?

The Muslims have hated the Jews ever since Mohammed invented Islam, his pro-pedophilia “religion,” for his own use. So even though the Muslims claim they were in the area first, the Jews were there thousands of years before head-lopping, rape-loving, women-hating, crucifixion-reactivating Islam appeared. Let’s not pretend that problems between Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land are just a movie.

3 months ago

few sentences new the rest is all repeat waste of time unless you assume we all have dementia

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

How much money have US taxpayers sent to Brazil? And how much have Brazilian taxpayers sent to the US? So which country should be going first in the RV? Americans screwed again. If the NESARA committee (whatever it’s called) would get off dead center at least we would be repaid all those taxes, to help us (and others) pre-RV.

A 911 type event should not be allowed to stop the RV or NESARA. The Alliance has a plan for everything/knows everything; there should be a plan for such a possibility.

It’s true that June 15th is near … after decades, and after the 2024 IRS filing date. We’ll all be glad when the RV is done but the wait is causing problems, not the least being many, many good people trying to hang on for med beds, post-RV. (Why not roll out the med beds to repair weak hearts BEFORE shocking events?)

Aussies: If my US bank made that announcement, I would move all funds immediately to another bank. I suspect that some banks would remain non-CBDC because they would like to scoop up all the new customers. And as they watched the CBDC banks fail, they would be even more inclined not to go that direction.

The Tartarians in America were removed in the mid-1800s (although we probably still have many of their descendants, who were likely the children on the Orphan Trains). So we’ve been lied to for more than 150 years. I suspect we’ve been lied to since the days of the Founding Fathers.

Last edited 3 months ago by Texas Arwen
Maggie V
Maggie V
3 months ago

These police are just as guilty as all the rest of the murdering sickos.

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

One more time: It is easier to stash enough food for half a month than it is to stash enough water. Average use/US household/month: 20,000 gallons. If you cut to half, you would still have to stash 5,000 gallons of water. Does anyone reading this have 5,000 gallon bottles and space to store them inside their homes (to prevent theft)?

We’ve had a water leak here in our house and haven’t had running water for several days. Our pretty respectable stash is down to only four gallons in just those few days.

If the military is going to lock us down for 14 days the military must provide water in some areas, or people will be asking if killing children by thirst is much better than satanists sacrificing them in rituals.

Last edited 3 months ago by Texas Arwen
3 months ago


Ken Kirkland
Ken Kirkland
3 months ago

Let me tell you what is not a show. Please. I’m on S.S., and my wife makes pretty good for Alabama, but we have to decide every month what Bill, won’t be paid so we can buy food. This part isn’t a movie. My health is not a movie, since I had to be tested in 21′ for covid to get Ivermectin. I have had serious sinus infections year around since then. This is not a movie. My doctor told me He has dozens of cases exactly the same. This isn’t a movie. The Price of everything isn’t a movie, but if you have mucho money these people live as nothing has changed… livein it up buying 100k pickups, 200k German cars and groceries is not an obstacle. Thanks for listening. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the rest is a movie, and hope the millions of deaths from the jab is just a movie. I also purchased TRB cards way back in the beginning. I talked to an agent from Visa, and he was strictly business, and ask me very specific questions expecting specific answers, and told me he’d be in touch. 3 weeks later the near $800 I spent through Visa was refunded. So if you purchased with a credit card, then call their security department. They saved my butt. That could be helpful.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 20, 2024

Author : Judy Byington Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!
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