
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update May 21, 2024



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Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

WWIII in the middle east would ruin the Koran’s command for Muslims to eliminate the non-Muslim world.

Meanwhile, there is no reason to jump to the conclusion that the helicopter was sabotaged or shot down. Sure, Israel COULD have done. However, helicopter maintenance is extremely critical, and the Arabs are not noted for efficiency … except in herd breeding, and violent acts like chopping off hands and heads.

So let’s see: America will be supporting the takeover of all cities in Israel, while at the same time our Social Security funds are being stolen and given to ILLEGAL ALIEN ENEMY INVADERS at the rate of the highest allowed SS payments. This as Americans are losing homes at a very fast rate. Empty homes owned by the US Government (about 60% of home loans) will probably be given as gifts to the INVADERS, while Americans are homeless.

With CBDC, they won’t just be “shutting down” dissenters; they will be KILLING them.

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

How can world governments kill people and not acknowledge it? Do mass murderers usually acknowledge their crimes?

Ken Kirkland
Ken Kirkland
3 months ago

Ohhh so sorry, your friend The Butcher Of Iran who murdered thousands of Christians is dead1. That makes me so happy. Go to bearingArms.com, and listen To the Iranian Christian Girl talk about your beloved butcher of Iran. You people never ceased to disappoint

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Source : X22 Report Thank you for your support! Please continue the upcoming journey together!   Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!   
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X22 Report : Germany Green Movement Failed, Economic History Does Not Repeat Itself But It Rhymes

Source : X22 Report Thank you for your support! Please continue the upcoming journey together!   Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!   
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God’s Message for Today – September 20, 2024

Source: PrayEleven_Com. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!  
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Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024

Author : Judy Byington Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!
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