
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 16, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update May 16, 2024



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Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
4 months ago

How can our food be so poisonous if the Alliance is in control?

Why were the Injections allowed to continue for so long that now Prions (Mad Cow Disease) is transmissible? To get it, it has always been necessary to eat infected meat (usually from one’s own species). Now our idiotic injectees (mostly liberal Democrats) can give it to us? There is no known way to disable Prions that won’t kill anything near it. You can’t even disable it on metal instruments in an autoclave. We could send it in a rocket into the sun, but that isn’t very practical and it leaves all the Prions here untouched.

It’s beginning to seem as though the Alliance is unwittingly doing exactly what the globalists want to do: reduce the human population to 500 million.

Last edited 4 months ago by Texas Arwen
4 months ago

The Isrealites of the Bible are not the Israelites of today? Neither are the Gentile Christians. The Gentile Christians of the Bible are not the Christians of today. But my concern is what are you getting at? First of all Israel and the Jews whatever you may think are still GOD’S Chosen People they are still here to Bless and to be a Blessing and People are still supposed to support Israel and the Jews and not curse them. Still relevant today as in the past whether you like it or not or whether you want to or not. My concern is the rhetoric you continue to put forth of hating, undermining and causing discord, strife, dissension and division among people because you are not doing the research of the History in the Bible regarding the Jews and Christianity. It makes me believe that you are getting your info from other places like gee I don’t know the Book of Mormon that was not inspired by thee HOLY SPIRIT or other entities that hate the Jews and Isreal. Call the Khazarians what they are they are not real Jews so perhaps you shouldn’t call them Jews but Khazarians. BTW If you had read the protocol in the Bible of those outside of Judaism the Goyim aka Gentiles who were not Jews but wanted to become Jews that were allowed to do so you would find that GOD allowed that you don’t know their heart. There is always going to be the tares mixed in with the wheat but you don’t pull the wheat out with the tares just like there is the Righteous mixed in with the Unrighteousness. Separate the Wheat from the Tares. Maybe then you won’t be a part of the antisemitism that’s adding fuel to the fire against the Jews. Not a good place to be at in regards to what the LORD thinks about it according to the Bible that may of been written by men but Inspired by thee HOLY SPIRIT.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024

Author : Judy Byington Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!
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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update September 19, 2024

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