
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 29, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 29, 2024



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Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
2 months ago

I strongly believe that Michelle Obama (Michael) and Obama have been gone for several years, after being convicted by military tribunal of treason and crimes against children. The ones we see are clones or doubles.

2 months ago

If Restore continues to publish such great detail about this history of the deep state, they will have me as a donor. WELL WRITTEN AND PRESENTED

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
2 months ago


What would have happened to a Republican president and Republican governors involved in a conspiracy to kill a Democrat president?

Biden could be prosecuted for the murder of Laken Riley; for conspiring to murder President Trump; for participation in election fraud; for numerous violations of financial laws; for abusing his underage daughter; for inappropriate touching of countless other children; for child trafficking; for drug trafficking; for starting a war without input from Congress; for abandoning Americans in Afghanistan; for pushing the Injection; for covering Obama’s crimes; for importing foreigners who are planning to invade America. And yet he (or his double) are still roaming around causing as much destruction as possible. We don’t even know how many American deaths he is responsible for.

One of Governor Mike Huckabee’s writers: “There were two big winners in the debate. Donald Trump and VISITING ANGELS, who got a 90-minute free TV commercial.”

Pfizer has endangered in more ways than the obvious. If they are dissolved by massive penalties (which they richly deserve), then any one-of-a-kind, life-sustaining drugs that they make will stop being made, and an additional group of people will die without them. (Of course, the med beds would stop that … so could we have them before Pfizer, et al, are shut down?)

Last edited 2 months ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
2 months ago

I hope SCOTUS does the right thing, but based on their past performance I wouldn’t bet on it.

It was bad enough when Brazil was going ahead of the US on the exchanges; now CHINA is going ahead of us, for heaven’s sake! Neither of those countries has supported a good part of the rest of the world for decades; WE have!

BRICS is taking in countries that practice APPALLING crimes against humanity, legal in these countries. Unless BRICS somehow coerces them into stopping those practices, it will be defined by them. It might have money and power, but BRICS will be known for supporting female genital mutilation, pedophilia and polygamy, discrimination on the basis of gender, mass beheadings, the re-introduction of crucifixion; the planned murder of all non-Muslims to allow the infliction of the (quite possibly satanic) Islamic World Caliphate on every human being; drug trafficking; child trafficking; slavery, and more. And BRICS will deserve that reputation for valuing money more than honor and decency (in other words, more of the same). I hope Putin is being overruled on admitting these countries; he certainly knows better.

When did Charlie Ward get a Ph.D, and is it an honorary degree?

Last edited 2 months ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
2 months ago

And when did vote-rigging Rodriguez, or her ancestors, come into the US? Was she or were her ancestors imported by the Rogue Democrats? Has anyone noticed that the more Mexicans in the US, the more the latter resembles Mexico? It’s probably coincidence that now that the US is overrun with Mexicans, it’s as corrupt as Mexico, right? Does one have to live in a border state to see it? By the way, San Antonio is in Bexar County, and is probably 1/3rd Mexican/Mexican-descent now.

2 months ago

I have donated before, but, I can not see any “Join” links

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024

Author : Judy Byington Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!
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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update September 19, 2024

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