
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 2, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 2, 2024



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3 months ago

Once again you have put out another half truth regarding Israel which makes it a lie. Even though there was the Belford Decree and even though there were Khazarians that were useful idiots, puppets, pawns, tools who were used to restore the Nation of Israel to the Jews it was STILL GOD’S Plan to restore the Nation of Israel to the Jews. Israel has always belonged to the Jews given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who were Hebrews who were Jews and since GOD Preordains it was always HIS Plan not Man’s or even the Khazarians to give that land to the Apple of HIS Eye, you know the ones that HE calls HIS TREASURE….the Jews? It must really kill you people that put half truths and lying propaganda that GOD HIMSELF loves Israel and the Jews so much. You do know that jealousy and envy is a sin? You do know that character assassination is a sin don’t you? You do know that “Christian” Believers are supposed to honor the root and appreciate and be thankful for who and what GOD chooses to use don’t you? You do know the Blessing and the Curses that come on those who are against Israel and the Jews don’t you? I am so fed up to over my head and sick of you putting the same BS out about the Jews and how they are Zionist which as if that is something evil seeing how Zion is another word GOD uses for Israel and another word for gee let me think…Patriot or Nationalist just like what we call those in America who are fighters, those who love their Nation and are fighting to keep it free. Isn’t that what President Trump and others are who are Patriots or Nationalist that love America? So why is it different or evil for a Jew to be a Zionist who lives in Zion which is Israel the land that GOD HIMSELF GAVE to the Jews? What part of that do you not understand or get? Until you get your facts straight about Israel and the Jews you will continue to hear from me about it. I have had enough of the Jew and Israel bashing and I am not going to stay quit about it. Even though in the past the Jews were afraid to speak up and speak out this is one Jew who BTW am a Born Again Christian since 1976 will NOT keep my mouth shut. My people have been used by GOD to Bless and be a Blessing to the entire World and you stomp on us and spit in GOD’S Eye with it. It’s disgusting and I have had enough!!!! Get your facts straight and clean up the mess that you have created against the Jews with your lying, Gaslighting propaganda and for goodness sake go back and research and read the Bible from front to back because evidently you all are ignorant about Biblical and Scriptural Historical truths and facts about Israel and the Jews and who was given what and for what reasons. It’s in plain English in black and white and is not difficult to understand if you really want to know the truth, that is all you have to do is read it and ask thee HOLY SPIRIT to show you. HE IS after all the Teacher and a Strongs Concordence won’t hurt in your research either. Start doing damage control because you all have made a shit mess. Fix it!

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