
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 19, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 18, 2024



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Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

How do Russia and the US being in the Alliance together – and Trump and Putin being so friendly – add up to Russia threatening to nuke the US?

Yes, all you people who have lost your businesses or jobs and were forced to spend down your savings because of the length of time this cleanup is taking … run right out and buy silver and gold.

It sounds like we should be hearing about many high-level bankers being shipped off to Gitmo.

It looks like the middle east may turn itself into a giant glass parking lot. May all their mutilated little girls return for lives in non-Muslim cultures.

I have to admit that with all the secrecy and all the apparent stalling, the effort to “keep the faith” has really worn me down. It didn’t help that this has gone on long enough for a hospital to falsely claimed that I had Covid at a time when I was aware that hospitals in Texas were collecting $149,000 per Covid death.

Last edited 3 months ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

I imagine that Dr. Haim would be one of the first people Trump would pardon, along with the J6 victims of the corrupt US judicial system.

I would say we are several bananas INTO being a banana republic. People arrested and held for years with no charges; people arrested who were not even present at the scene of the alleged crime; fencing necessary to protect the Supreme Court; a fake president; communists infiltrating almost everything with any connection to the Federal Government – and some other government entities; news media controlled by the government; whistleblowers and dissidents dying under suspicious circumstances, etc. How is that state several bananas AWAY from a banana republic?

One thing I wonder about – if the elites have access to the technologies withheld from us, then they have access to med beds. Why do so many of them look so bad?

Bernie Sanders? !! I never liked him, but it never occurred to me that he was just another
child rapist. It’s getting to the point that it’s easier to list the public figures who AREN’T child rapists.

I wonder how many of the 68 offenders arrested in Texas were illegal aliens? We have been INFESTED with illegals by Biden/Democrats. You hardly hear English spoken at big grocery stores any more, except at the checkout lanes.

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
3 months ago

I think what Fauci did to any victims was bad, whether the victims were animals or humans. He’s a monster that should be sent off-planet in a ship with a limited supply of water. Let him think about what he did while he dies of thirst, all alone in the blackness of space.

I’m in favor of stopping animal suffering, but the Alliance apparently is not, or it would release the replicators.

I wonder who it was in Texas that thought having Blackrock doing anything here is a good thing. We can only hope that when the Blackrock Texas Exchange is taken down, all their assets are confiscated. They could be used to build those replicators, and stop animal suffering.

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