
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 26, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update July 26, 2024



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1 month ago


Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
1 month ago

So how many millions of children have been tortured and killed between now and the mid-fifties, when plans were made (with Valiant Thor) to take down the DS?

Members of Congress can’t be arrested while Congress is in session. Around the time that Congress went out of session, thousands of US Marshalls headed to DC. Does 2 + 2 still = 4?

Obama was not only not BORN a US citizen; his mother was required to renounce his US citizenship so he could attend school in Indonesia. No one has yet produced an application for US citizenship that Obama later completed. He was automatically given a US passport when he became a senator, without filling out a passport application that would have exposed him as an ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER.

Too many Americans have been dreadfully stupid and lazy about Obama, and the rest of us have been paying a very steep price for a long time.

I wonder why Trump and the Alliance didn’t select 17 days after the assassination attempt against Trump.

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
1 month ago

Can we really totally replace hospitals with med beds? As wonderful as they are, med beds take a little while to work, and a patient who can’t breathe, or is having a heart attack or a dangerous allergic reaction, needs help QUICKLY, even if the repair is completed in a med bed later. We will still need emergency medical services, IMO.

Obama is a Muslim, Marxist, probably satanic pedophile, illegal alien enemy invader MONSTER.

Before we go all gushy about Diana and JFK, Jr. – Unless they have been training all these years while they were in hiding, neither is qualified to be in a powerful position. Diana was teaching kindergarten when she married the heir to the British throne. She was tall, relatively nice looking, well educated, well dressed, and had access to a lot of money. JFK, Jr. had all those qualities, plus seemed pretty smart. But that’s not all that is needed for a queen or vice president, etc.

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
1 month ago

It’s 12:10 CST now. No sign of a Tier 4B notification yet.

My family lived in the middle east for many years, and as a result I am very well traveled. I’ve been wondering where “Carpathia” is, as I’ve never heard of it. So I looked it up on the internet just now, and found that the Carpathia was the ship that rescued many in the sinking of the Titanic;Carpathia, a fictional European kingdom in the 1957 film The Prince and the Showgirl; Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians (/kɑːrˈpeɪθiənz/) are a range of mountains forming an arc across Central Europe and Southeast Europe.  I didn’t find anything about a current country called Carpathia. Can’t figure out how Wolverine plans to go to a non-existent country. Does he have an estate or farm somewhere that he’s named “Carpathia”? Just curious.

Enough is INDEED enough! Too much suffering has been allowed to be inflicted on the innocent already – far too much. We’re starting to see many messages to this effect.

Obama created ISIS. Since he was at that time apparently an Indonesian citizen, is Indonesia responsible?

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
1 month ago

Martin Brodel’s military source (martinbrodel on Rumble) has said that up to 70% of beings that appear to be human are not; they are off-worlders or AI, both of which are soulless. If correct, it would explain the many evil beings doing things most of us could never have imagined before.

Tunnels two miles deep would be fatally hot for humans. At the Comstock Mine, temperature increases with depth at the rate of: 100 feet to 2,300 feet, increase 1 degree every 32.3 feet. 2 miles is 10,560 feet, so if that increase remains steady after 2,300 feet (it probably increases faster due to the molten interior of Earth) at two miles down the temperature would be 327 degrees. How vast tunnel systems could be cooled well over 200 degrees to a point that humans could survive is a serious question. ET technology?

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arwen

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Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024

Author : Judy Byington Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram:  https://t.me/Restored_republicCo if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ We will update the video link on telegram soon!
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