
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 22, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update July 22, 2024



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Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
1 month ago

APPLY for GESARA (NESARA in the US)? I thought the Alliance/White Hats “had it all” – don’t they know who to send funds to without us having to fill out (doubtless triplicate, 20-page) documents?

No one has ever addressed the fact that legally in the US (and probably in Great Britain, too) a document signed under duress – such as at gunpoint – is invalid.

Clinton signed NESARA in 2000. Soon that will be 24 years ago. And during that 24 years, how many people were murdered by the DS, and therefore never had the chance to see NESARA roll out?

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arwen

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Tim Pool Launches Defamation Lawsuit Against Harris Over Social Media Post

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New Emerson Swing-State Poll Puts Trump in the White House

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New DOJ Indicts Alaska Man for Allegedly Threatening

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